Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump before Congress.  Although Trump sounded moderate, he followed the same hard line on immigration. During his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Trump defended his criticized deportation policies, the construction of the border wall and called on congress to create a merit-based immigration system. Republicans, who dominate both Houses, refrained from giving statements on the matter. Democrats and victims of Trump’s deportation policies are urging him to halt anti-immigrant rhetoric. With details from the city of Washington, José López Zamorano.

Trump and Congress plan to replace health reform with one based on savings accounts. After calling President Obama’s health care reform a system that imploded, Donald Trump asked Congress to abolished it.  He wants to replace it with reforms that lower costs and improve quality and access to services.  This new system supported by Trump and by the Republican leaders in Congress, would be based on tax credits and health savings accounts for consumers. In an interview with news director Samuel Orozco, consumer advocate Sinsi Hernández Cancio examines those plans.

Anticipating massive repatriations, Mexican deportees get organized. After decades of living in the United States, a group of Mexicans deported to their native Mexico begin a new life with empty pockets and separated from their families. To get back on their feet and anticipating the arrival of thousands more new arrivals, a group of deportees formed the organization named Deportados Unidos en la Lucha. The group has begun lobbying Mexican authorities to provide emergency aid to newcomers. Our correspondant Raúl Silva has the report from Mexico City. This feature is part of the series Hablando de la Raza, sponsored in part by the WK Kellogg Foundation.

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