Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Supreme Court hears case of young Mexican killed by border agent. The Supreme Court heard this week the case of a young Mexican teenager killed by a border patrol agent who shot him from the United States. The 15-year-old Sergio Hernandez died in 2010 while playing with his friends on a Rio Bravo canal, which divides the border between El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. The verdict of the highest court could impact the debate on the constitutional rights of non-citizens who are affected outside the national territory. With details from the city of Washington, José López Zamorano.

“Day without immigrants” sparked new incidents of racial harassment. Last week, tens of thousands of people across the country stopped working, didn’t go to schools, closed their businesses and, in some cases, took to the streets to be part of a spontaneous protest called the “Day without Immigrants.” The protest was aimed at showing the important role of immigrant workers and their families in the economy.  In many areas, the movement generated gestures of sympathy and positive coverage of the media. But at the same time, there are reports of numerous incidents of hatred and attacks that denigrated the shops and students who joined the protest. Our reporter, Ruben Tapia, presents a review of some of theattacks and of the answers they have received.

Bill for universal health insurance in California Legislature.   This week, State Sen. Ricardo Lara, proposed a plan that would create a universal, single-payer  health care system in California, similar to having Medicare for all.  Lara says this would be California’s response to threats from President Trump and Republican leaders to repeal the health reform bill and drastically cut federal health funds. The new system, which would be paid through a tax, would set a standard in the nation and catalyze reforms in other states, say its supporters. Radio Bilingüe´s news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with the author of the initiative.

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