Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Mexican woman was deported in Arizona, amid public outcry and arrests – After nearly 10 years in deportation proceedings, a Mexican immigrant mother was arrested and deported in Phoenix, Arizona. Guadalupe García de Rayos became the first victim of the immigration policies dictated by president Trump. Dozens of demonstrators protested the arrest of Guadalupe and seven were detained. With details on this story, from Phoenix Arizona, Valeria Fernandez.

Distinguished jurist responds to Gorsuch’s nomination to Supreme Court vacancy – Conservative judge, Neil Gorsuch, nominated by Donald Trump to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court of the Nation, will face a fierce political battle at the start of his confirmation process in the Senate. His critics point out that the judge has a history of favoring the interest of big businessmen. On their part, ultraconservatives question Gorsuch’s commitment to impart fair and independent judgments. Our executive producer, Samuel Orozco, spoke with the jurist Cruz Reynoso, former magistrate of the California Supreme Court. Cruz Reynoso has also been a professor of the Law School in the University of California, Davis.

Latinos are at risk of a devastating crisis in Alzheimer’s disease – Within four decades, three and a half million Latinos will suffer from Alzheimer’s. This means almost ten times more people than the Latinos afflicted today by this irreversible disease that little by little destroys the memory. The burdensome costs for families and for the economy of the country will grow to the same disturbing extent, according to academic researchers in Los Angeles. Heidi de Marco visited a family affected by this disease, and a family support center in North Hollywood, from where she sends us this report.

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