Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Refugee Ban Sparks National Outrage – Just hours after President Trump signed the order to ban the entry of refugees and travelers from certain Muslim countries, dozens of people were detained at airports and others were stuck outside the country. Amid chaos in immigration agencies and mass protests at airports, a federal judge intervened, freezing part of the order. José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D.C.

Washington State Kicks off Lawsuits Against Ban – Washington State became the first state to sue President Trump, alleging his executive order to ban refugees and travelers from certain Muslim countries is unconstitutional and anti-American. The lawsuit would invalidate the presidential ban. New York, Massachusetts, and Virginia followed suit, and civil rights groups have filed their own lawsuits. With more details from Seattle, Jose Luis Buen Abad.

Most Undocumented Immigrants Deportable Under New Executive Order – Among President Trump’s executive orders signed last week, the border wall and sanctuary cities won international attention, but a lesser-known order could be the most harmful to immigrant families. This order greatly expands the definition of deportable “criminals.” Radio Bilingüe’s news director Samuel Orozco spoke with expert Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, about how far this order could reach. Hincapié begins by saying the order would give over-reaching power to deportation agents. comienza diciendo que la orden dará poder extralimitado a los agentes de deportación.

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