Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

English Learners and the Common Core Standards – The new educational goals known as Common Core Standards, being implemented in 45 states and the nation’s capital are sparking some strong discussions. Though many salute the standards as a new method of teaching that will help students to reason better, in Florida, some experts are concerned about how Latino children who are just beginning to learn English will fare. Javier Aparisi has more details from Miami. This report is part of American Graduate – Let’s Make It Happen! – a public media initiative to address the drop out crisis, supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Son Jarocho and Posada Unite Street Vendors in East L.A. – Neighbors and street vendors in East L.A. celebrated a traditional Christmas posada in the neighborhood to the rhythm of son jarocho and with a play. Amid the festivities, the party-goers shed light on their demands for more accesible rent and the legalization of street vendors, through songs and theatrical dialogues. The vendors and residents learned the tradition of fandango directly from masters of son, who focus on connecting their art to the struggles of the local communities. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Ruben Taia, was at the posada and has this story. This feature is part of our series Raíces: Stories About Grassroots Artists.

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