Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Donald Trump Orders Crackdown on Immigration. On the third day of his presidency, Donald Trump delivered on his campaign promise of a crackdown on immigration to the United States. Trump signed executive orders green-lighting a wall along the border with Mexico, blocking federal funding for sanctuary cities, recruiting thousands of new immigration officials, among other measures. Civil society organizations, lawmakers and mayors repudiated the actions and called for coordinated resistance to protect persecuted families. José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D.C.


Senate Questions Nominee’s Commitment to Public Education. The nominee for the nation’s highest education post, Betsy DeVos, heir to a multimillion-dollar fortune, is undergoing a turbulent confirmation process in the Senate. During the only hearing granted by Republican leaders, Democrats expressed concern about the nominee’s lack of experience and her secrecy about conflicts of interest that raise questions about her integrity. In an interview with our executive producer, Samuel Orozco, ASPIRA Association President Ronald Blackburn-Moreno analyzes the impact DeVos could have on public education in light of her activism as a champion of privatizing education.


Women and Immigrants Lead Mega-Marches Against Trump. Last weekend, millions of women and their supporters flooded the streets of Washington, D.C., and more than 600 other cities around the country and the world in what some are calling one of the largest protests in U.S. history. The marches, held the day after the presidential inauguration, demonstrated broad opposition to the incoming president’s attacks on women, immigrants and other communities. Women and immigrants headlined the podium. Our correspondent Ruben Tapia has the details.

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