Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump Inaugurated President – Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States amidst a turbulent transition period, boycotts by famous performers and members of congress, and massive protests. Trump arrives at the White House in an environment that remains as polarized as the election and with the lowest approval ratings in US history. In his inaugural speech, Trump promised a policy of “America First,” focused on bringing back jobs, securing the borders and building up infrastructure. Jose Lopez Zamorano reports from the inauguration in the nation’s capital.

Racial Healing Campaign Launched – More than a hundred community and faith-based organizations in 30 states around the country dedicated the day after Martin Luther King Day, the annual celebration in honor of the civil rights leader, to a dialogue about the racial divisions persisting at all levels in US society. Despite progress on civil rights, the final months of the recent electoral cycle witnessed a sharp increase in racially antagonistic discourse and hate crimes. The organizers hope that this reflection on racism will continue and broaden.

Nation’s Most Lethal Police Departments Under Investigation – After months of public outcry, the California Attorney General’s Office has ordered the investigation of the Bakersfield Police Department and the Kern County Sheriff’s Office for alleged use of excessive force. These police forces have been characterized as the most lethal in the US. The incident seen as the straw that broke the camel’s back came last month, when a 73-year-old Latino grandfather was fatally shot by a local police officer. Our correspondent, Rubén Tapia, has the details

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