Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Republicans Take First Steps toward Repealing Obamacare – This week the 115th Congress began sessions among mutual expressions of collaboration between the Republican majority and the Democratic minority. But the climate of bipartisanism was short-lived, as conservatives took their first steps to destroy the legislative jewel of the outgoing administration, known as Obamacare. José López Zamorano reports from the Capitol.

How to Report Hate Crimes – After the presidential election of Donald Trump, a dramatic increase in the number of hate crimes and harassment has been seen across the nation, mostly against Muslims, immigrants, and other vulnerable groups. In response, a high-profile group of Latino attorneys is offering a handbook of resources against hate crimes, to help people identify and report these incidents. Our news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with Pedro Torres-Díaz, president of the National Hispanic Bar Association, about the issue.

Can Well Drilling Be Stopped in California County Hit by Drought? – Under pressure from a new state law to administer water more efficiently, the board of supervisors of Tulare County, in California’s Central Valley, agreed to prepare a proposal to limit permits to drill new agricultural wells. In Tulare County, one of the most impacted by the drought, thousands of people have been left without drinking water, but new agricultural wells have so far continued to be drilled. With more details, here’s our correspondent Rubén Tapia.

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