Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Californian Activists and Politicians Define Strategies to Confront Trump Policies – A few weeks before Trump is sworn in as president, 175 veteran activists from 50 organizations in California joined forces and defined strategies to confront what they consider a civic battle. This is one of many efforts that politicians and activists are carrying out all over California. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has more.

Reunification of Families in NewYorkTlán – U.S. immigration policies have separated many migrant families. But one group of organized families on both sides of the border has found a creative way to reunify loved ones. Alissa Escarce traveled with one mom from an indigenous Mixtec town in Puebla, Mexico all the way to New York.

A Talk With Gabino Palomares – The well-known Mexican singer and composer Gabino Palomares, of the Nueva Cancion movement in Latin America in the 1960’s, just toured the United States. Our news director, Samuel Orozco, sat down to speak with him. Son of indigenous Otomi parents, Palomares talks about ethnic discrimination and the fascination with foreign powers in Mexico, both common themes in his songs.

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