Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Activists and Immigrant Families Prepare to Defend Themselves – Against all predictions, Donald Trump was the winner of the November 8th elections, despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. His triumph shocked Latino immigrants and sparked a wave of fear of mass deportations when he becomes president in January. Hundreds of thousands of dreamer youth are in limbo. From his first speech, Trump proposed mass deportations and made offensive declarations against women, African-Americans and Muslims. José López Zamorano reports that activists are preparing to defend immigrants from his administration.

Latino Voters in Arizona Boot Out Sheriff Arpaio
 – In Arizona, feelings are mixed after Tuesday’s election. Though the presidential election of Republican Donald Trump sparked many concerns, Latinos are also celebrating the triumph of a campaign to stop the re-election of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his anti-immigrant raids. Valeria Fernández reports from Arizona.

California Voters Approve Bilingual Education and Other Progressive Measures – Voters in California added new Latino representatives to Congress and decided on 17 state measures that go from extending an increase on taxes to finance schools and health for the poorest of the poor, to re-establishing bilingual education. From Los Angeles, Araceli Martínez has the story.

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