Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump’s Words Causing Stress in Children – If you have kids, you might have had to answer some difficult questions this presidential election year. The declarations of candidate Donald Trump against Mexicans, Muslims, and women have caused anxiety and fear in many children. Reporter Zaidee Stavely visited a school in Northern California that was vandalized with anti-immigrant graffiti. This feature is part of our series, “Hablando de la Raza”.

Will California Schools Embrace Multilingualism?
 – Almost 20 years ago, Californians practically eliminated bilingual education from their public school system with a ballot measure. The political winds have shifted and the polls indicate that in next week’s election, voters could approve an initiative to revert that law, and get rid of the ban on bilingual and multilingual education. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, reports.

Indigenous Migrants in California Celebrate the Day of the Dead in Community – More and more Mexican and Central-American homes in the United States are celebrating the Day of the Dead on November 1st and 2nd. In Madera, California, some 500 indigenous migrants from the state of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico, got together to commemorate the Day of the Dead in the traditional style of their communities. Juan Santiago has the story.

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