Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Joe Arpaio? Latino Voters Think So – The controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio, could end up behind bars as he faces criminal charges for contempt of court. He could also end up without a job. According to surveys, Arpaio is 15 points behind in his race for re-election. Valeria Fernández reports that that’s in no small part due to an unprecedented mobilization of Latino voters.

Proposition Would Change Harsh Sentences in California
– California has jailed more than 170,000 people in the last four decades, mostly African-Americans and Latinos. And that’s cost the public coffers some 10 billion dollars a year. Many consider the current penal system not only expensive, but unjust and discriminatory, and with a proposition on the ballot, they are seeking reforms to focus on rehabilitation and crime prevention. Rubén Tapia has the story of a grandma and her two grandsons, that shows the way this problem impacts tens of thousands of Latino families.

A March in New York Against Repression in Mexico
– This week the Caravan Against Repression in Mexico passed through New York, with representatives from social movements harmed by the policies of the Mexican government. During their trip to the United States, the activists are also calling for an end to the funding from Washington for the war on drugs. Marco Vinicio González reports.

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