Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Republican Candidate Refuses to Agree to Accept Election Results – The third presidential debate was widely seen as the last opportunity for Donald Trump to make a comeback and cut Hillary Clinton’s significant advantage. But Trump instead caused a scandal by claiming that the election is a fraud and again launching insults against Latino immigrants and women. According to experts, this could sink his presidential aspirations even further. José López Zamorano reports.

Urgent Need for Latino Doctors in California – More Latinos than ever before have obtained health insurance in California, and many of them urgently need care for chronic diseases. But there are very few Latino doctors to attend them. Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke about this with doctor Silvia Diego of Latino Physicians of California, an organization that sponsored a study about the critical scarcity of Latino doctors and gave recommendations for legislative action to solve it.

Mixed Reactions to Haitian Crisis in Mexico 
– In recent months, thousands of migrants from Haiti have come to the border between Mexico and California, hoping to enter the United States. The sudden migration has created a humanitarian crisis, because of the lack of shelter and food. With only precarious aid from the Mexican government, some sectors of civil society have sought to be good samaritans, offering emergency aid. At the same time, some individuals and groups have called to expel the Haitians. Our reporter Rubén Tapia traveled to Tijuana to see what’s happening. This story is part of our series about race, “Hablando de la Raza”.

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