Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Federal Court orders to stop housing eviction. A federal court in Los Angeles County, prevented the eviction of a Mexican immigrant family who had refused to pay a stratospheric sudden increase in their house rent. The family sought the protection of the law through a lawsuit, arguing that the increase in their rent violated the federal Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in the purchase, rental or financing of housing in the United States. According to proponents, this case could have repercussions throughout the country. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has the details.

A young Central American Immigrant feels hope in Mexico. Concerned about the growing dangers that thousands of Central American migrant children face when crossing Mexico, Alejandro Solalinde, a Catholic priest and social activist joined other immigrant advocacy groups to open a new shelter in Mexico City. This refuge is the first in the country that focuses on helping young transmigrants to settle in Mexico, instead of continuing their journey to the United States. However, this humanitarian project is facing serious challenges in its first days. Valeria Fernández visited the shelter and spoke to one of their first guests.

Historic 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Farmworkers March. Half a century ago, farmworkers from the melon fields of Starr County, in southern Texas, went on strike for a wage increase and for the right to collective labor bargaining. In this rich agricultural region lived the poorest workers. To emphasize their demand, the strikers marched 400 miles from Rio Grande City to Austin, site of the state capitol. This event helped change conditions in the fields and was an inspiring force for the Chicano Movement. On the 50th anniversary of this epic event, veterans who joined the march share their memories in Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta. Herminia Ramirez, at the age of thirteen, walked the entire way of the march, and Rebecca Flores, a veteran unionist and organizer of the celebrations, talks about the impact this march had in the rest of Texas.

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