Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Voter Watch to Suppress the Vote. Donald trump’s campaign is calling on his followers to enlist as poll watchers and go out on Election Day to patrol the voting polls, after the Republican presidential candidate warned in Pennsylvania about a rigged election and pointed to states where voters can cast a ballot without voter ID. Lydia Camarillo, Vice-president for Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project in San Antonio, TX, told Radio Bilingüe’s Samuel Orozco this is an attack geared to suppress the vote.
Immigrant Mothers Fasting for their Release. While the US government claims that in average they are detained for only twenty days, mothers detained in a family detention center near Philadelphia say the reality is different and, staging a hunger strike, urge immigration officials to order their immediate release. Valeria Fernández had a telephone interview with one of the detained mothers and has the story.

Drought Gets Neighbors in Movement for Running Water. The historic drought impacting California has hit hard Tulare County, where entire communities have been left without water after hundreds of groundwater wells have gone dry. Last week, a family that survived for three years without running water was finally able to open the faucet and get water, after their home was connected to the water system of a neighboring city. This project was possible thanks to the intense activism and lobbying of neighbors and community organizations. Their challenge now is to persuade hundreds other undecided families to sign up and agree to be connected to the public water system. Ruben Tapia followed the community promoters who went canvassing door to door in the thirsty town of East Porterville.

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