Edicíon Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Could Arizona’s Latino Voters Decide the Election? – In Arizona, civic campaigns are once again trying to wake up the sleeping giant of the Latino vote. This time, activists say that more than 400,000 voters could participate in the November elections. If so, the Latino vote could be decisive in the presidential election and could help convert this restrictionist stronghold in a competitive swing state. Valeria Fernández has more from Phoenix. This story is part of the series, “Hablando de la Raza”.

More Republicans Desert the Trump Campaign – Every day more and more Republicans are deserting their party’s presidential campaign that backs Donald Trump. On Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta, a top Republican talks about the open letter she signed, along with dozens of others, asking the party to suspend funds for Trump, and about the desertion of a veteran Latina Republican. A national spokeswoman for the party comes out defending Trump. José López Zamorano reports.

Heated Debate over Tobacco Tax in California – Every year in California more than 40,000 people die addicted to tobacco, though the state spends billions of dollars to stop the epidemic. A referendum on the California ballot for November would impose more taxes on cigarettes. Our reporter in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has both sides of the political battle.

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