Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Detention Centers Cause Invisible Wounds to Central American children.  In the United States, there are three detention centers for immigrant families. Most detainees are Central Americans who came fleeing violence and seeking asylum . The government considers that these centers are a humane alternative, but according to experts, far from being protective, these centers “throw salt” on the wounds of a population that is already traumatized, and children are the most affected. This report is part of our “Speaking of Race” series.

California’s Undocumented Children are Gradually Enrolling in Health Insurance.  Around a month after California opened the doors of public health to low-income, undocumented minors, the results are positive. However, there are still many more children of immigrant workers that need apply for this free insurance. Our reporter, Araceli Martinez, interviewed a family in Los Angeles that is among the first to benefit from this impactful program.

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