Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Measles Outbreak Hits Immigrants in Arizona Detention Center – A measles outbreak in an immigrant detention center in Arizona has activists and family members concerned. They say the detained immigrants are living a nightmare. From Phoenix, Valeria Fernandez reports.

Opening the Doors of National Parks to Latinos – This year the national Park Service turns 100 years old. In celebration of this historic date, the organization Latino Outdoors has taken to promoting walks and outdoor activities among Latinos, to help them discover the natural treasures hidden in the parks. The idea is to help Latinos connect and learn to take care of the environment, because Latinos are among those who least often visit and benefit from the national parks. Fernando Torres accompanied the group on a recent excursion in the Golden Gate National Park in Northern California. This story is part of our series, “Hablando de la Raza”.

Purépechas Gaining Ground at the Grape Festival – During more than a decade, Purépecha migrants have been the moving force behind the Grape Festival, a tradition in the Coachella Valley. Begun by Mexican workers almost thirty years ago, the festival was to celebrate the beginning of the harvest in the vineyards and, at the same time, raise money to build a church. The Purépecha community has been getting more recognition from a society that has often discriminated against them, and today in these festivals, it is more and more common to hear Purépecha language being spoken, or Michoacán bands playing, or to serve corundas to eat. Radio Bilingüe reporter Rubén Tapia has the story.

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