Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Angel Heart with signPatrol Take To the Nation’s Capitol – Family members of victims of violence committed by Border Patrol agents brought their calls for justice to the National Mall in Washington, where they spread out more than 200 handmade quilts in memory of their fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who were killed by excessive use of force. Some families traveled all the way from Mexico with the hope that Congress take matters into their own hands and put an end to more personal tragedies. Our correspondent José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

School District in California Votes To Eliminate Native American Mascot – Both big league and high school sports teams all around the country are receiving public pressure to change mascots that use images and nicknames of Native American people. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has called to eliminate this type of name. In this context, the school district of one city in California voted this week to eliminate the name and image of Apaches, which had been the title of the Vallejo High School teams for decades. Zaidee Stavely reports from Vallejo, California.

Deported Child has Difficulty Adjusting To Life in Mexico – Rodrigo Guzmán personifies the story of thousands of people who migrated to the United States and then after many years found their reality broken when they were deported to their home countries. But it is also a unique story. Rodrigo is ten years old. When the boy and his parents were refused entry to the U.S. after living here many years, Rodrigo’s classmates in Berkeley, California raised their voices in protest. Our correspondent Raúl Silva found Rodrigo in his new home in Mexico, where he is finding it difficult to integrate into his new reality.

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