Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Checking in with New York’s Latino Voters – Next Tuesday New York will be the scene of heated primary elections. For the first time in decades, the state will have two competitive presidential primaries in the same season. Candidates from both parties have been vigorously courting New Yorkers’ votes. Marco Vinicio González took to the streets of New York City to ask Latinos how they see the contests.

In School Expulsion Capital, Parents Learn About Rights – The Kern High School District in Kern County, California has been called the expulsion capital in the state. A year and a half after being sued for disciplining Latino and African-American students more harshly, the school government has shown numbers that speak to a reduction in suspensions and expulsions. However, local critics say the problems persist. Our reporter Rubén Tapia follow up on this issue.
Caravan for Peace on its way to the United Nations – Family members of victims of the so-called anti-drug war, and human rights activists are about to end a caravan that took them through several Central American countries and Mexico. In New York, they plan to speak at a special session of the United Nations and call for a stop to the devastating war on drugs. The Caravan for Peace, Life and Justice stopped in the state of Morelos, one of the regions of Mexico most affected by violence and impunity. Our correspondent in Mexico, Raúl Silva, reports.

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