Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Serious Obstacles to Voting in Arizona Cause Anger and Frustration – A series of irregularities reported in the Arizona primaries which caused long lines to vote have voters angry with election authorities. Advocates for expanding the Latino vote plan to present complaints to the federal Department of Justice. Valeria Fernández has more from Phoenix. This story is part of our series, “Hablando de la Raza”.

Remembering Alex Nieto – The death of Alejandro, or ‘Alex’ Nieto captured national attention because of the violence the San Francisco police used, which many found excessive and unnecessary. However, last month, the four police who shot Nieto were exonerated, provoking protests among several sectors in the community. Fernando Andrés Torres visited Alex Nieto’s parents at their home in San Francisco. This story is part of the series “Hablando de la Raza”.

Family of Immigrant Killed by Border Patrol Seeks International Justice – Meanwhile, six years after the death of Mexican immigrant and parent Anastasio Hernández Rojas at the hands of Border Patrol agents, his family insists on seeking justice, because no agent has been sanctioned. Their last hope is for the International Commision for Human Rights in Washington, D.C. to declare his death a violation of human rights, in order to stop the abuse of force and impunity on the border. José López Zamorano has more from the nation’s capital.

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