Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Tomato Workers  Boycott Wendy’s – A group of Florida tomato workers is calling for a national boycott against global fast-food chain Wendy’s. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers says the hamburger chain is the only one of the five biggest fast-food giants that refused to sign the recognized Fair Food Agreement, and instead, decided to look for tomato providers in Mexico. Marco Vinicio González reports from the protest organized by the Coalition in New York.

Mass Deportations: Are Today’s a Carbon Copy of the 1930’s? – In the 1930s, more than a million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans were persecuted and sent to Mexico, during a massive forced repatriation operation. The father of Alfredo Gutiérrez, whose family had been U.S. citizens for generations, was one of the victims of deportation. In the book To Sin Against Hope, Gutiérrez draws parallels between the anti-immigrant hysteria and racial supremacy ideologies of that time and of today. On Línea Abierta, Radio Bilingüe’s news director Samuel Orozco spoke with Gutiérrez.
Women Protest Deportations’ Damage in California – On International Women’s Day, a group of women activists, mothers and workers took to the streets of Oakland, California, as part of what they called The Pain of Deportations. Leaders of the protest called attention to the disastrous consequences that deportations have on the family, an which fall mostly on immigrant and refugee women. Fernando Torres reports.

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