Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Trump and Clinton Dominate Super Tuesday – Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton were the top winners of the primary elections held on Super Tuesday, and some say this consolidates them as favorites to win the presidential nominations of their parties. At the same time, some note that in these elections, more Republican voters have turned out than before, while among Democrats, there has been a dramatic fall in turnout. José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D. C.

Composter Concerns Residents in Small California Town
 – The residents of the small town of Lamont in southern Kern County in California’s Central Valley, have lived for years next to a composting facility, about which they have complained about worker safety and damage to the environment. The company uses the town’s treated sewage waters for its operations, and now, under new ownership, it is also preparing additional land as an alternative for using the water, if it closes. The neighbors are calling on the company and the local authorities to do everything possible to reduce pollution to the air, water, and soil. Our reporter Rubén Tapia has more.

Novel Co-Written with Mexican Factory Workers Nominated for Prize – Have you ever written a novel written by factory workers? The young Mexican writer Valeria Luiselli wrote “The Story of My Teeth” with the help of workers who shared with her their own stories. Now, Luiselli is a finalist for the prestigious National Book Critics Circle Award in the United States, which will be decided in coming days. Our correspondent in Mexico, Raúl Silva, interviewed Luiselli, about her book.

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