Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

What Could Push Young Latinos to Vote? – A historic number of more than 27 million Latinos are eligible to vote in the November elections, and almost half of them are young Milennials. The problems is that millions are not registered nor do they have a history of voting. Two factors might awaken a young Latino vote: the incendiary positions of Donald Trump around immigration and a campaign that seeks to use new technologies to identify and enroll young people. José López Zamorano reports.

Mexican Migrants’ Vote Limited by Lack of Promotion – This year there are also elections in Mexico, and for the first time in history, those who live outside Mexico will be able to vote for governor in the states of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes and Oaxaca, as long as they have a voter i.d. However, less than a month from the deadline to register in the Zacatecas elections, advocates for the right to vote from abroad say there is little promotion or support for migrants to enroll. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has more.

A Nicaraguan Soup of Musical Flavors – The Nicaraguan band La Cuneta Son Machín was nominated for the Grammy’s for its most recent album, “Mondongo.” The group of young musicians mixes rhythms of traditional chinamera with rock, ska, funk, and hip-hop. I spoke with one of the members, Carlos Guillén, alias el Frijolito. Here’s a little bit of our conversation.

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