Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Surprises from Iowa Caucuses – The first primaries, held in Iowa, brought surprises for both political parties. The unexpected triumph of Ted Cruz and a hit to Donald Trump’s triumphalism surprised Republicans. On the Democrats’ side, Senator Bernie Sanders lost by only fractions of a point to Hillary Clinton, in a virtual tie. Meanwhile, the Latino vote broke a record for participation in the Iowa caucuses. Marco Vinicio González has more.

Voting ID’s for Mexicans Abroad – After decades of struggling for this right, Mexican citizens living in the United States will be able to apply from here for the identification that will allow them to vote from abroad. Before, most Mexican nationals who lived outside their country could not vote, because it was too hard to travel to Mexico to apply for the i.d. Rubén Tapia reports from Los Angeles that there are still doubts about the plan’s promotion.

Bill Seeks to Stop Dairy Industry Deaths – Every day, more than one worker in the dairy industry in the state of Washington is wounded on the job. The industry has a higher proportion of deaths and injuries than most private industries. Union and religious leaders are annoucing a bill to make dairy work safer. Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with Indira Trejo, of the United Farm Workers (UFW) in Tacoma, Washington, and with state representative Brady Wilkinshaw, who is sponsoring the bill.

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