Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Last Skirmishes Before Primaries – Republican and Democrat presidential candidates threw their last dice this week in two of the last televised debates before the primary elections begin on February 1st. While Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed on the future of Obamacare, a challenging Ted Cruz gained ground among the Republicans, arguing with party front-runner Donald Trump about his national origin and with Senator Marco Rubio on immigration. Radio Bilingüe’s Rubén Tapia has more details.

Supreme Court Takes On DACA and DAPA – The future of about 5 million immigrants is now in the hands of the Supreme Court. The justices agreed to hear the case and will now have to decide if it was constitutional for President Obama to issue executive orders that expand protections against deportation for those who arrived in the United States as children, known as DACA, and for parents of U.S. citizens, known as DAPA. As expected, the court decision sparked renewed debate, which is expected to continue until the final decision is announced in June. José López Zamorano reports.

In Arizona, Lawmakers Try to Block I.D.’s for Immigrants – A bill in the state of Arizona is concerning immigrant advocates, who see it as a repetition of the restrictive law SB 1070. The Republican bill seeks to block the municipal government of the city of Phoenix from issuing a municipal I.D. for its residents, no matter their immigration status. Valeria Fernández reports from Arizona.

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