Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Mother Seeks Asylum to Save Her Children’s Lives – Federal immigration agents unleashed a series of detentions of families who came from Central American countries seeking refuge. These raids have caused fear among families and young people who are still arriving from Central America, fearing for their lives. One mother, who we will call Rosa Maria, came here last year fleeing gang violence in El Salvador crossed the border, as did her three children, a boy of 16 and two girls, 14 and 11, but her husband was detained and deported. She is applying for political asylum for herself and her children, because she says their lives are at stake if they return to El Salvador. Radio Bilingüe news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with Rosa Maria. Here is a segment of her testimony.

Obama Orders Historic Actions for Gun Control – Due to the epidemic of more than 30,000 firearm-related deaths a year in the U.S., President Obama issued new, urgent executive orders to control the proliferation of guns, including background checks for those who want to buy guns, registering sellers at gun fairs, and investing more in mental healthcare. The president’s actions unleashed immediate rejection from conservatives, Republican presidential candidates, and the National Rifle Association (NRA). José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D.C.

What’s Behind Violent Displacement of People Fleeing Mexican Border State of Chihuahua? – Thousands of residents of the border region of Chihuahua, near the Rio Grande, have left their land, seeking refuge in Texas from violent attacks by organized criminals and corrupt police. In the same region, a super highway and a massive international bridge are being built, and oil and natural gas deposits have been found. Our news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with attorney and expert in asylum for Mexicans, Carlos Spector Calderón, who says that this mass displacement of people is related to the huge investment projects in the region.

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