Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

New Law Ends Federal Control of Schools – President Obama signed an education law that reinvents No Child Left Behind, and ends federal control over public education. Children will still have to take standardized reading and math tests, but now it will be state and local officials who decide the objectives for academic outcomes. The law was signed just as a new secretary of education, John King, Jr., begins. Our news director Samuel Orozco spoke with King on the national show Linea Abierta.

Enormous Barriers for Reproductive Health for Latinas in Texas – There are more Latina women in reproductive age in Texas than any other ethnic group, but they are the least likely to have health insurance or access to reproductive health services. As a consequence, Latina women end up with serious infections and illnesses such as cancer. We spoke this week about this with Ana Rodríguez DeFrates, of the Texas Latina Advocacy Network.

Goodbye, MamaCoatl – The poet, singer, curandera, and long-time Radio Bilingüe collaborator, Silvia Parra, died of cancer in Mexico City. Silvia, a performing arts leader in the thriving artistic Mission District in San Francisco, brought attention through her art and reporting to crucial issues, such as violence against women and profit-driven ambition in the health industry. For many years, she was a collaborator here at Radio Bilingüe. Our news director, Samuel Orozco, remembers her.

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