Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Supreme Court Considers Case That Would Change “One Person, One Vote” –  Amid the presidential campaigns, the Supreme Court heard a  controversial case that could alter the U.S. political map and give advantage to Republican voters in some rural areas. The proposal attempts to exclude permanent residents, undocumented immigrants and children from the population count, when deciding the lines of state and municipal electoral districts. José López Zamorano reports that legislators and activists are concerned that Latino communities would be primarily put at a disadvantage.

Immigrant Workers in California Urged to Enroll Undocumented Children in Health Insurance – With a new law, California became the fifth state to offer health insurance for all minors from low-income families, no matter their immigration status. About 120,000 youth already had emergency health insurance, and they will be automatically enrolled in complete coverage when the program begins in May of next year. But another 50,000 children are estimated to be eligible who have still not enrolled. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia went to an event organized to inform one of the most uninsured populations in the state: farm workers of indigenous origin. This feature was produced in collaboration with New America Media.

What’s Next for the Nation After the San Bernardino Massacre? – The massacre in San Bernardino has rekindled the debate about gun control and at the same time provoked a series of declarations, named as hate speech, toward Muslim communities in the country. One of the most notorious was the front-running Republican candidate’s call to ban entry into the country to all Muslims. Our news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke about this with Dr. Hafeez Rehman, spokesman for a Muslim community in Amsterdam, New York.
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