Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Court Decides Against DACA and DAPA; White House to Appeal – The federal Fifth Circuit Appeals Court decided this week against President Obama’s executive actions that would have given temporary relief to undocumented parents of U.S. citizen children, and expanded temporary permits for undocumented youth. The Department of Justice announced immediately that it plans to appeal the decision, so the future of millions of undocumented families will soon be in the hands of the Supreme Court. José López Zamorano reports from Washington, D.C.

Republican Candidates Clash On Immigration – Republican presidential hopefuls debated for the fourth time this week, this time in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Among the most notable moments of the debate were the widespread agreement between candidates opposing increasing minimum wage, and their clash over what to do with the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants who live in the United States. Rubén Tapia prepared this report.

Could Non-Citizens Vote in Some Local Elections? – If city leaders are able to overcome opposition, non-citizen immigrants could once again have the right to vote in local elections in New York City and get that right for the first time in Washington, D.C. In both of these influential cities, bills are moving forward that would allow permanent residents to vote in elections for mayor, city council, school board, and other local positions. On the show Línea Abierta, Radio Bilingüe’s news director Samuel Orozco spoke with attorney and University of Texas professor, José Ángel Gutiérrez, who is also a pioneer of the voter rights’ movement.

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