Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Voices of Gratitude – In an effort to explore the spirit of celebration of Thanksgiving, our reporters went out to the streets, offices, and fields to ask, “This year, why are you thankful?” We bring you some of the responses we found.

Celebrating Having a Roof Overhead … For Now – A few weeks ago, we brought you the story of more than 100 families who were ordered to leave their homes in a trailer park in Mesa, Arizona. As it turns out, after neighbors organized to protest, they’re thankful they still have a roof over their families’ heads… at least for now. Valeria Fernández visited the residents during a mix of celebration and protest.

Thanks to Life – To finish this special holiday edition, we have a special message from our reporter Marco Vinicio González. A few months ago, Marco suffered a car accident that caused him very serious wounds and a long hospitalization. Today, little by little and step by step, he is slowly gaining back the ability to walk. Even after all that, or perhaps even more so now, Marco Vinicio has been able to find good reason to be thankful.

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