Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Increasing Reports of Human Trafficking in the U.S.  – Reported cases of human trafficking in the U.S. are going up at an alarming rate. We spoke on Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta with My Lo of the Polaris Project, an organization that operates a national phone line to detect cases of human trafficking and labor exploitation. She says many trafficking victims have visas to work in the United States.

Minimum Wage of $15 an Hour to be Proposed in California – An extensive union and workers’ rights coalition seeks to appeal to California’s voters to raise state minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour and give six sick days to all workers. If enough signatures are gathered, the proposal will appear on the ballot during the presidential elections next November. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia has more from Los Angeles.

Doors Closed to Latino Homebuyers? – A lower proportion of Latino families are homeowners now than before the recession, but the hardest hit by the housing crisis are finally beginning to return to the market. Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with Gerardo Ascencio, executive director of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) Foundation, about what he and others in his profession are doing to overcome the barriers that Latinos find when trying to buy a home.

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