Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Immigrants Fast, Urging Judges to Decide on DACA and DAPA – With a 24-hour fast, a group of immigrants and activists from Los Angeles are joining a national movement to demand that the judges of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans deliver a verdict on Obama’s executive order that created the programs of deferred deportation, DAPA and DACA. Time is almost up. If the court does not make a decision in the next few days, the Supreme Court will not be able to consider the case next year and millions of potential beneficiaries will be in limbo for another year. Some are urging the judges to make a decision and others are beginning to register new voters and promote candidates who support DACA and DAPA in 2016. From Los Angeles, our correspondent Rubén Tapia reports.

Anti-Sanctuary Laws Blocked in the Senate – A Republican bill named “Stop Sanctuary Policies” was blocked by Democrats in the U.S. Senate. The measure would have imposed harsher punishments against undocumented immigrants found crossing the border and eliminated federal funds for states and cities who refuse to comply with petitions from Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) to keep detainees jailed. The White House had warned it would veto the law if it had passed the Senate. We spoke with Marielena Hincapié, from the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) about it.

Exclusive Interview With Imprisoned Self-Defense Leader in Mexico – This is an exclusive interview from inside prison with one of the most well-known political prisoners in Mexico. From inside the high security prison where he is being held, Doctor José Manuel Mireles, co-launcher of the citizen uprising that led to creating a self-defense movement in the Mexican state of Michoacán, speaks with Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco. Mireles comments on conditions in prison, and the state in which people live in the towns under control of citizen self-defense militias. Mireles joined this telephone interview from CEFERESO # 11, a high-security prison in Hermosillo, Mexico.

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