Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

The “Dirty Dozen” Companies That Steal Wages – In California, hundreds of thousands of workers receive less than minimum wage, or don’t get paid for overtime, or don’t due breaks. In order to expose some of those responsible to public shame, a wide labor coalition just published a list of a dozen companies that consistently commit this kind of violation and, when ordered to pay, avoid their responsibility. The coalition says together, these companies show the wide variety of industries that commit this kind of labor law violation, and the broken system set up to protect workers. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has the story.

Environmental Activists From Around the World Meet – This week in Richmond, California there is an international conference of environmentals, titled “Soil Not Oil.” Among those attending the event is Professor Miguel Altieri, a prominent agroecology researcher at the University of California Berkeley, and former president of the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology. He spoke with Radio Bilingüe’s news director, Samuel Orozco, about fighting hunger and climate change, by returning to traditional campesino-led agriculture.

Dreamers with DACA on Emotional Trip to Find Roots – Dreamers, those young people who came to the United States very young, many times do not even remember their countries of origin. Now, some of those who have temporary protection under DACA, hae the opportuity to travel to their communities of origin, on trips to reconnect with their roots that sometimes are very emotional. When they return to the United States, these dreamers become active promoters of binational delegations and advocates for DACA/DAPA services. On Línea Abierta, we spoke with dreamer Jazmin Segura, immigrant rights advocate in San Francisco, California, and recently returned from visiting her native Mexico City.

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