Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Drinking Fountains Installed in Rural California – Concerned about the lack of clean drinking water in many rural areas of California, a coalition of organizations is installing drinking fountains of filtered water in certain communities. The goal is to facilitate access to drinking water and at the same time change habits of excessive consumption of sugary drinks. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia visited southern Kern County in California’s Central Valley, one of the places where this pioneering project began.

Couple Separated by Deportation Marries On the Border –  More than nine years ago, Emma Sánchez was deported to Mexico and forced to live separated from her three children and her husband, a U.S. marine. Now the couple married again, this time through the church, in Tijuana, alongside the border fence. Manuel Ocaño reports from this meaningful religious ceremony.

Pope’s Call to Action on Climate Change Hits Home in California – In recent weeks, Pope Francis made an urgent call at the World Summit of People’s Movements in Bolivia, for people to act to stop climate change. On Línea Abierta, our news director, Samuel Orozco, spoke with Verónica Garibay, co-director of the Leadership Council for Justice and Responsibility in Fresno, California, about the pope’s call, which delegates brought back to California’s San Joaquin Valley, which suffers from the worst levels of air pollution and asthma in the state and is among the places hit hardest by the current drought.

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