Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Cuban Flag Flies Again in Washington, D.C. – The United States and Cuba re-established diplomatic relations this week after 54 years. The ceremonial opening of the embassies was emotional for many. Now that the party is over, it’s clear there are still divisions among the public and between the two governments, about what the next steps should be. José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

In Settlement, Sheriff Arpaio Does Not Admit Responsibility  – Almost all the charges brought against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio by the Department of Justice ended with a legal settlement in which Arpaio does not admit responsibility. There is still a separate case pending that accuses Arpaio of contempt of court. Valeria Fernández has more details from Phoenix.

The Real Díaz Brothers from “McFarland, USA” – The movie “McFarland, USA” tells the real-life story of a group of Mexican-American adolescents from farmworking families and the high school coach that transforms them in a champion cross-country team. On Radio Bilingüe’s national program Línea Abierta, we spoke with two of the real Díaz brothers, the cross-country runners that the film is based on.  Danny Díaz is now school counselor at McFarland High School in McFarland, CA, and David Díaz is vice principal of the school in the North Kern County prison in Delano, California.

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