Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Eleventh-hour Deal Succeeds in Keeping Federal Government Open – Just hours before the federal government was set to shut down for lack of funds, Senate leaders reached a last-minute, temporary compromise with Republican opponents. A group of Republican senators threatened to halt a vote on continued government funding unless their proposal to defund President Biden’s coronavirus vaccination mandates was accepted. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington, DC.

Latino Leaders Express Relief Over Guilty Verdict for White Men in Georgia – In Georgia, a jury found three white men guilty of murder and other charges for shooting to death a young black man who was jogging through their neighborhood. Latino leaders reacted to the verdict with relief and surprise. The trial has gained national notoriety for racist remarks used by the defense during their arguments. Yemille Castejón reports from Atlanta.

Refugees on the Brink of Despair at Mexico’s Southern Border – Tens of thousands of migrants from more than 100 countries — nearly half of them hailing from the devastated island of Haiti — have been stranded for months in Tapachula, near the Mexican border with Guatemala. The Mexican government has promised asylum status and employment for the migrants, but they complain that the procedures to apply for asylum in Mexico are lengthy, slow and bureaucratic. Meanwhile, activists say Mexican immigration authorities have become a deportation machine for immigrants. Francisco Barradas reports from Tapachula, Chiapas.

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