Calls for Sheriff Arpaio to Resign; Caravana Reunites Separeated Families; Native Americans Defend Clean Water.

CALLS FOR SHERIFF ARPAIO TO RESIGN – A federal judge declared Sheriff Joe Arpaio violated the Constitution by detaining Latinos based on racial profiling. The sheriff, considered by some the roughest in the United States, announced he will appeal. The decision also revived calls from Arizona groups demanding his immediate resignation. Valeria Fernández has more details from Phoenix.

CARAVAN REUNITES SEPARATED FAMILIES – The caravan of Mexican priest Alejandro Solalinde opened the doors to hope for many Central American and Mexican migrants after arriving in New York, concluding three weeks of travel through 19 cities in the U.S. Some of those who accompanied the Catholic priest did it with the hope of finding their loved ones, after many years of separation. With peaceful protests and lobbying, the caravan participants were able to build a bridge with a legal defense group for immigrants in detention centers in New Jersey. Marco Vinicio González reports from New York City.

NATIVE AMERICANS DEFEND CLEAN WATER – Clean water is in danger across the continent, say the Native Americans who from Canada have mobilized with the flag of “Idle No More.” The movement was created by four women, with the idea of protecting Native American sovereignty and customs of caring for Mother Earth, and her land, water, and people. Traditional medicine doctors from the original peoples are going to different regions to carry out ceremonies to build conciouscness about the importance of deending humanity’s right to clean water. Silvia Lorena Parra went to a Water Walk in San Francisco, California and has this story.

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