Sanctuary City Ban in Texas Faces Legal Challenges

La Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) emitió una “alerta para viajeros” que informa a quienes planeen viajar próximamente a Texas sobre la posible violación de sus derechos constitucionales cuando sean detenidos por los oficiales de policía. Foto: ACLU via twitter.

The American Civil Liberties Union issued a “travel alert” for anyone planning to travel to Texas. Photo: ACLU via Twitter.

The signing of the controversial law known as SB4 by Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has been unanimously rejected by Latino and immigrant defense groups. The new law authorizes local and state police to do the work of immigration agents, and although it is not slated to come into effect until September 1, it is already facing lawsuits and resistance efforts. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

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