Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden Cancels Student Debt for Millions of Borrowers – Under intense pressure from Democratic leaders, President Biden forgave up to $10,000 in debt for students earning less than $125,000 a year. The announcement was met with mixed reactions, as many are celebrating the relief for millions of debtors, while some believe the president can do more to support the lowest-income Americans. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Latino Small farmers and Ranchers Struggling with Texas Drought – A drought affecting nearly all of Texas, the worst to hit the state in many years, is killing crops and livestock pastures in the southern area. Despite torrential rains in recent days, reservoirs and water supplies are continuing to dry up. Latino small farmers are struggling to get by. Mariana Pineda spoke with two farmers in the area and brings us this report from Houston.

Are Latino Voters’ Traditional Political Preferences Shifting? – This week, Florida held primaries amid a renewed push to attract the vote of Spanish-speaking citizens. In this state, as before in Texas, much has been reported about a political realignment of Latino voters. Reports suggest that, in the wake of the Trump campaign, the Republican party is gaining more ground among Latino voters at the expense of the Democratic registration rolls. However, political analyst Vanessa Cardenas questions those rumors. You can hear the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Wednesday, August 24 at radiobilingue.org.

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