Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Anti-Inflation Bill Becomes Law—What Will it Mean for Latinos? – This week, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Bill, which includes a historic investment in addressing climate change. During the long lead-up to its passage, Latino community and environmental organizations played a key role in exerting public and legislative pressure. They now expect the bill to usher in a new era in the United States, bringing millions of green jobs, tax credits for solar panels, and more electric vehicles for the most vulnerable communities. José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

Activists Urge California Legislature to Guarantee Drinking Water for Rural Communities – A decade ago, California passed a law recognizing water as a human right. However, more than a million residents, especially in rural communities, still lack access to safe drinking water. Activists from the Central Valley traveled to Sacramento to demand that legislators not end this year’s session without first approving proposals that would help make the human right to water effective. Esther Quintanilla, a reporter for KVPR public radio in Fresno and a member of the Central Valley News Collaborative, brings us this report from Sacramento.

Border Crisis Heats Up Arizona Gubernatorial Debate – The Republican candidate for Arizona governor promises to make a “declaration of invasion” of the U.S.-Mexico border on her first day in office. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate and current Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs calls the statements a political gimmick and urges Washington to find a federal solution for young DACA recipients and immigrants. She spoke about this with our news director, Samuel Orozco. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Tuesday, August 16 at radiobilingue.org.

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