Supreme Court Hearing on Same-Sex Marriage; Forum on Immigration Reform in San Bernardino, CA; Farm Workers March for Immigration Reform.

SUPREME COURT HEARING ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE – The Supreme Court this week heard arguments in favor and against laws that restrict same-sex marriage: Prop 8 in California, which prohibits gay marriage in the state, and the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal benefits and tax exemptions for same sex couples, even when they are legally married. The top court has to decide if these laws violate the country’s constitution. The decision, awaited in June, could affect thousands of same-sex couples in the United States, and their families. José López Zamorano has more details from Washington, D.C.

FORUM ON IMMIGRATION REFORM IN SAN BERNARDINO, CA – In a town hall meeting organized in the district of Republican congressman Gary Miller, hundreds of residents called on the lawmaker to support comprehensive immigration reform, with a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. In the past, Congressman Miller strongly opposed immigration reform and sponsored a law to deny citizenship to the children of immigrants. Now he says he is taking the pulse of the constituents of his newly redrawn district that now has a majority of Latinos and Asians. Radio Bilingüe broadcast the town hall meeting live, together with the community radio station KPFK of Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles. Our correspondent in Los Angeles and co-host of the forum, Rubén Tapia, presents some of the most significant moments during the meeting.

FARM WORKERS MARCH FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM – March 31st is United Farm Workers co-founder César Chávez’s birthday. To commemorate his legacy and at the same time demand immigration reform, thousands of people marched last week in six cities of California and in Washington State. Juan Santiago was at the march in Fresno, California and has this story.

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