Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Biden’s First Formal Address Met with Praise and Skepticism – In his first formal address to Congress, in a calm and moderate tone, President Biden advocated for a massive bipartisan public spending plan to benefit the poor and the middle class, criticizing tax cuts for billionaires under the last administration. Among other plans, Biden also urged Congress to pass an immigration reform plan that would help out young “Dreamers” and farm workers. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

New Law Would Curb Wave of Attacks Against Asian-Americans – United against a wave of racially motivated hate crimes against Asian-Americans during Covid-19, senators from both parties overwhelmingly approved a bill aimed at combating such violence. The plan includes measures against discriminatory language since anti-Asian sentiment is believed to have been fueled by remarks such as “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” used by former President Trump. These and other news were discussed on the program Línea Abierta. Marco Vinicio González has the report.

Colorado Passes Law Protecting Immigrants from Threats and Extortion – With bipartisan support, Colorado’s Congress has passed a law that criminalizes the extortion of undocumented immigrants living in the state. The legislation, which is now waiting to be signed by the Democratic governor, had the support of prosecutors and local police departments. Although pro-immigrant activists are celebrating the measure, they point to the need for Congress to approve immigration reform. José Luis Buen Abad reports.

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