Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

President Biden Under Fire for New Drilling Permits on Federal Lands – The Biden administration’s decision to authorize the drilling of new oil wells on federal lands has angered environmentalists and been welcomed by those pushing for lower gas prices. The announcement also caused friction within the Democratic Party because Biden’s campaign promises included barring new oil wells on federal lands. With details from Washington, D.C., José López Zamorano.

Immigration Reform to be a Demand in May 1st Marches – This Sunday, May 1st, pro-immigrant activists return to the streets in dozens of cities across the country. Although massive marches are not expected, the groups are pushing to put immigration reform back on the agenda of the Democratic administration in Washington. They are calling on President Biden to issue executive orders to protect from deportation the millions of immigrants who have lived for decades in the shadows. Ruben Tapia reports.

Posthumous Tribute to Scholar and Activist Armando Navarro – Leading academics in Riverside, Southern California, are holding funeral honors for Professor Armando Navarro, a prominent intellectual who was a tireless advocate for Latino and immigrant rights for more than four decades. In a June 2019 interview, Navarro, a political scientist, spoke about the threats against immigrants and Mexicans announced by Donald Trump during his re-election campaign. In his conversation with News Director Samuel Orozco, Navarro laments the critical lack of new, young leaders to replace the old guard of the Chicano movement. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for Wednesday, April 27th.

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