Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Restrictions on Access to Abortion Pill Go to Supreme Court – The abortion pill Mifepristone can remain on the market, albeit with some limitations on access after an appeals court partially blocked a Texas judge’s ruling. Now, the Biden administration is going to the nation’s Supreme Court to ask for an emergency hold of all remaining bans left in place by the appeals court. José López Zamorano reports from Washington.

Ousted Legislators in Tennessee Reinstated After Intense Youth Protests – Two African-American Democratic legislators who were ousted from the Tennessee legislature have been reinstated after their local governments voted in their favor and intense student protests were held in the state’s capitol. Days earlier, the Republican majority had kicked the young legislators out, accusing them of violating parliamentary rules of decorum by joining in acts of protest on the legislative floor over the recent mass shooting at a Nashville elementary school. Gerardo Guzman reports from Atlanta.

Number of Homeless Latinos in Los Angeles on the Rise – Los Angeles County is home to one of the largest homeless populations in the United States. Despite measures taken by local authorities, the number of people who end up on the streets continues to rise, and many of them are Latinos. Heidi de Marco spoke with one such man and tells us about the tragedy that devastated his life and left him homeless. Heidi brings us this report from Los Angeles.

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