Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

Latinos Split on Biden’s Massive Federal Budget – President Biden’s second budget includes a new 20% tax on billionaires, increased military spending, a reduction in the fiscal deficit and money for social programs. The proposal received mixed reviews from Latino activists and experts. Some applaud the fact that it devotes more resources to the environment. Others say it falls short on immigration and support for Central America. The proposal is expected to face strong partisan debates.

Second COVID Booster Dose Authorized for Many People – Federal authorities have authorized a second booster of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for people over 50 years old and or with weakened immune systems. Why is a second booster dose been recommended when infections, hospitalizations and deaths continue to decline? Dr. Alicia Fernandez, an expert on the pandemic, discussed this question and related issues with Chelis Lopez. This is a summary of the conversation. You can listen to the full interview in the archives of Línea Abierta for March 31 at radiobilingue.org

Calls to Extend Aid to Families Affected by the Pandemic – In California, a generous program to help with rent and utility bills for all families affected by the pandemic, regardless of their immigration status, ended this week. However, activists claim the program was so bureaucratic that less than half of the applications have been processed and many families were left out. For this reason, they are demanding that the governor and legislators extend the program and make it more efficient.

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