Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

Democratic Debate Turns Red Hot on Eve of Nevada Caucuses – Days ahead of the Nevada caucuses, Democratic presidential hopefuls staged in Las Vegas a heated debate, which included billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was participating for the first time thanks to changes in the rules. Sindy Benavides, Executive Director of LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens, discusses the significance of the debate and growing Latino participation in the Nevada caucus.

The Challenge of the 2020 Census: Overcoming Mistrust  – The US Department of Commerce is conducting an unprecedented multilingual advertising campaign with the goal of counting 99 percent of the population in this year’s census. Using ads that include families and children’s voices, they are seeking to overcome the distrust spurred by the failed attempt to include the citizenship question. Weeks before the first official mailer is sent, an independent government report indicates that the Census Bureau is not yet well prepared for the important count. José López Zamorano has the details from Washington.

LA Youth Encourage Migrants to Be Counted in Census – Traditionally, California has been a difficult state to count. Many residents were born abroad, rent their home, lack internet, are very poor and have children under five. To encourage them to respond, the state government is dedicating millions of dollars in resources. It is also drawing on the support of renowned community organizations and enthusiastic young activists who participate to get a complete count. Jessica Bedolla reports on one such effort in Los Angeles, an area considered among the most difficult to count.

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