Grant Support

Radio Bilingüe’s long history of service is thanks overwhelmingly to grants awarded by private philanthropic foundations (currently 60% of our budget) and publicly funded agencies and institutions (currently 30 percent). Radio Bilingüe’s mission to serve the under-served, including low-income Latinos, aligns with the missions of these crucial funding partners.

Funders invest in Radio Bilingüe for programming that advances Latino health, culture, education, civic engagement and other goals. Project and general support advance our service that rises to listeners’ intelligence and integrity, engages them in pressing issues, and responds to their cultural interests and information needs.

The percentage of Radio Bilingüe’s budget from listener contributions is a fraction of what traditional public media budget, but our audience members contribute generously and enthusiastically during our annual pledge drive, giving what they can to keep their favorite public service Radio Bilingüe going strong. Foundations and public agencies recognize this trust and partner with Radio Bilingüe to empower and improve the lives of our unique and often hard-to-reach audience.

For a list of current funders, please see here. 

For information about ways to support and partner with Radio Bilingüe, please contact Executive Director, Hugo Morales at 559-455-5757.

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