Youth Leadership on Reproductive Health Issues

Guest, Pedro Elias, the Director of Public Affairs with Planned Parenthood Mar Monte shared information about the upcoming events being organized by Youth for Youth, as part of a PP youth leadership development program in the San Joaquin Valley. Mr. Elias shared that Club Gen, the youth group in Bakersfield, is organizing a community forum that will take place later in February, to discuss with students healthy, positive relationships and share info on reproductive health and STDs prevention. PP is also offering workshops to social service organizations in Kern County on how to communicate effectively on issues related to reproductive health. Pedro Elias also shared basic advice to parents on how to talk to their children or teen about their bodies and sexual relationships, including how to avoid sexual abuse. The key, Mr. Elias said, is to foster early on a relationship of trust and understanding with their children. We also discussed the fact that with the #Metoo movement, the issues of sexual assault and abuse are out in the open, meaning there is an opportunity and a need to talk with children about these issues. Mr. Elias offered contact information for listeners interested in learning more about Planned Parenthood or in getting an appointment.

Victor from Modesto: It is good that sexual abuse is being more openly discussed. He agrees with our guest on the need to re-frame what it means to be a “real man”; a real man is someone who takes care of his family and respects his partner and children. Yet, he sees that people of color are at a disadvantage because no attention is being paid to sexual harassment issues in the fields or other blue-collar jobs.

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