Equity on the Mall/New Tool For People Exposed to Pesticides in SJV

During the first part of this program, Nayamin Martinez, director of the Central California Environmental Justice Network- CCEJN, reported on the Equity in the Mall event that took place February 8 at the State Capitol in Sacramento. The policy platform for the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund was reviewed along with demands that were presented to legislators by SJV residents who traveled to Sacramento to be part of Equity on the Mall.

The program also included a review of the valuable information included in the free guide “What to Do in Case of Pesticide Exposure.” Our guest shared that the guide includes information on the rights of people exposed to pesticides either at work, at home or school, or while driving along agricultural fields. It also shares safety steps to take when exposed to pesticide drift and information on how to get medical care and file a complaint with the county Ag Commissioner.  Ms. Martinez stressed the importance of affected people reporting the incident right away to their Ag commissioner, to help prevent this kind of poisoning. She offered tips on how to effectively document pesticide exposure incidents. The guide was prepared by Californians for Pesticide Reform and is available in Spanish and English. CCEJN is helping distribute the guide in the SJV and the Central Coast.

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